Epoxy flake floors have gained immense popularity in commercial and industrial settings due to their durability, aesthetics, and resistance to wear and tear. Until 2030 or later, industry experts are predicting that the epoxy floor coating market will grow by about 5.5% each year on average. These seamless, decorative flooring systems not only enhance the overall look of a space but also provide a long-lasting and cost-effective solution. However, like any other surface, epoxy flake floors require regular care and maintenance to preserve their beauty and functionality. In this blog, we will discuss essential tips and best practices for a commercial or industrial property manager to ensure the longevity and attractiveness of their epoxy flake floor.

Understanding Epoxy Flake Floors

Before diving into maintenance tips, it’s crucial to have a basic understanding of epoxy flake floors. These floors are composed of multiple layers, including a base coat, epoxy resin layer, colored vinyl chips (flakes), and a topcoat. They are known for their durability, chemical resistance, and aesthetic appeal. Epoxy flake floors are commonly found in industrial facilities, commercial kitchens, garages, and even retail spaces due to their versatile nature.

Routine Cleaning

Proper and regular cleaning is the cornerstone of maintaining the beauty of your epoxy flake floor. Develop a cleaning schedule that includes daily, weekly, and monthly tasks:

  1. Daily Cleaning: Dust and debris can accumulate on the surface, dulling its shine. Use a soft-bristle broom or a dust mop to remove dirt and dust daily. This prevents small particles from scratching the surface when people walk on it.
  2. Weekly Cleaning: Perform a more thorough cleaning once a week. Use a pH-balanced, non-abrasive cleaner or a mild dish soap mixed with water. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive scrubbers, as they can damage the epoxy surface. Mop the floor with this solution and rinse it thoroughly to eliminate any residue.
  3. Monthly Cleaning: To maintain the epoxy’s luster, consider a monthly maintenance routine that involves buffing or burnishing the surface. This process will help restore the shine and remove minor surface imperfections.

Stain Prevention and Removal

Epoxy flake floors are highly resistant to stains, but immediate action is crucial to prevent staining. Here’s what you need to know:

  1. Chemical Spills: In industrial settings, chemical spills are common. Ensure that your staff is well-trained in handling spills promptly. Use absorbent materials like cat litter or sawdust to soak up the spilled chemicals. Clean the area with a pH-neutral cleaner to prevent etching of the epoxy surface.
  2. Oil and Grease: In commercial kitchens and automotive facilities, oil and grease can be a challenge. Clean these spills immediately with a degreaser designed for epoxy floors to prevent staining. A citric acid cleaner is often the best tool for dealing with a rubber burn on epoxy flooring.
  3. Wine and Food: In retail or restaurant spaces, food and drink spills can happen. Quickly wipe up these spills to avoid staining and stickiness on the floor.
  4. Gum and Adhesives: Remove gum and adhesives as soon as possible. You can use ice to harden the gum, making it easier to scrape off gently. Avoid using sharp tools that might scratch the epoxy.

Regular Inspections

Frequent inspections are essential to catch any issues before they worsen. Property managers should routinely examine the epoxy flake floor for:

  1. Cracks and Damage: Check for any cracks or damaged areas in the epoxy surface. Address these issues promptly to prevent them from spreading and compromising the floor’s integrity.
  2. Wear Patterns: In high-traffic areas, monitor wear patterns. Consider using mats or rugs in these areas to distribute the load and reduce wear.
  3. Topcoat Condition: The topcoat provides additional protection to the epoxy floor. Check its condition and reapply it as needed to maintain the floor’s gloss and durability.

Maintaining Furniture and Equipment

Properly maintaining furniture and equipment can also impact the longevity of your epoxy flake floor:

  1. Use Furniture Pads: Place furniture pads or gliders under heavy furniture to prevent scratches and scuffs when moving or rearranging.
  2. Casters: Ensure that chairs and equipment with casters have soft, non-marking wheels that won’t damage the epoxy surface.
  3. Weight Distribution: Heavy equipment or machinery should be placed on load-bearing pads or distributed on a larger surface area to prevent concentrated pressure on the floor.

Periodic Re-Coating

Over time, the topcoat of your epoxy flake floor may wear down, leading to a loss of shine and protection. Property managers should consider periodic re-coating to restore the floor’s appearance and durability. The frequency of re-coating depends on the level of traffic and wear your floor experiences but typically ranges from every 3 to 5 years.

Professional Maintenance

While many maintenance tasks can be performed in-house, certain aspects of epoxy flake floor care are best handled by professionals. These include:

  1. Resealing: Reapplying the epoxy topcoat should be done by experienced professionals to ensure an even and lasting finish.
  2. Repairs: If your epoxy floor sustains significant damage, such as deep cracks or delamination, it’s advisable to seek professional repair services to restore the floor’s integrity.

Trust the Professionals with Your Epoxy Flake Floor

Epoxy flake floors are an excellent choice for commercial and industrial spaces due to their durability and aesthetic appeal. By following these maintenance tips and best practices, property managers can ensure that their epoxy flake floors remain beautiful and functional for years to come. A well-maintained floor not only enhances the overall look of the space but also saves time and money in the long run by reducing the need for costly repairs and replacements. Remember, regular cleaning, stain prevention, inspections, and occasional professional maintenance are key to preserving the beauty of your epoxy flake floor. Contact us today to get started!